The mission and purpose of the Education Department of the Greater New York Conference is to provide a Christ-centered education, guiding students to academic and life-long success that is centered on building a relationship with God and shaping a character transformed into the image of God.

You may donate via one of the options below and indicate “The Pursuit of Excellence” tuition assistance fund:

Bronx-Manhattan School
Brooklyn School
Greater New York Academy
Jackson Heights School
Middletown School
Oakview School
Poughkeepsie School
South Bay Junior Academy
Whispering Pines
Cultivate high intellectual proficiency and implement innovative curricula.
- Establish an active REACH (Reaching to Educate all Children for Heaven) program in our schools.
- Create a database of student performance pulled from MAP test (Maximum Performance Test) and state tests (language arts, math, and science), compare results to public schools; analyze results; determine which subject areas need to be strengthened; and develop strategies to address areas for improvement.
- Create STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) programs in schools (train the faculty for these purpose/ get experts to conduct workshops for this).
- Look for opportunities for our students to participate in city, Conference, and Union activities: Spelling Bees, Science Fairs, EXPO, Leadership and Mentorship programs.
- Create a group of professionals from various churches to mentor and guide students.
- Establish career days and internship programs for our students.
- Establish a Junior Honor Society for K-8 schools; continue the affiliation with National Honor Society for academy students.
- Continue to present quarterly Honors certificate awards in all our schools to promote academic excellence.
- Have students in 7th and 8th grades prepare for New York State Regents examination in mathematics.
- Determine which schools have appropriate technology resources. Work to make technology resources available in each school (including iPads, computers, SMART Boards, etc.). Utilize state grants to assist schools in purchasing technology equipment as needed.
- Assess which subject-based resources are needed in each school.
Provide professional learning and development for teachers and administrators, and seek to increase additional conference-paid teachers.
Each August, provide professional development courses at the Conference office for all teachers.
- Initiate GNYC Curriculum Committee meetings with representatives from each school that will build on the annual Atlantic Union Curriculum Committee meeting and disseminate information for suggested implementation to each of our respective schools.
- Increase the number of Conference paid teachers to further validate the efforts of teachers, offer better benefits, and reduce financial burden on the schools.
- Continue Principals’ Council meetings held with K-12 principals to discuss various issues that impact the school system. This helps to create a “team spirit” among principals and more effective coordination of educational objectives.
2. Equip leaders to serve the whole person
- Provide Bibles for every student.
- Implement Special Religious Emphasis “Time Blocks” to help nurture growth in the area of leadership, character, and spiritual development. Special weeks are to be set aside for:
a. Fall Week of Prayer.
b. Spring Week of Prayer.
c. Health Emphasis Week.
d. Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week.
e. Evangelism Week.
f.Pastor Appreciation Month. - Encourage schools and churches to conduct the yearly baccalaureate service during the divine worship hour, to highlight Adventist education in “prime time” and emphasize the impact of Adventist education on student development.
- Suggest ways of enhancing relationships between school board members/school staff.
Promote spiritual growth by encouraging students to minister to their peers and their local community.
- Encourage pastors to be more active in their district school (visit schools, organize/ conduct Bible studies, offer baptismal classes, provide counseling services, etc.).
- Have regular meetings with each pastor in the school-district, to brainstorm ways that all school-age church members can attend GNYC schools.
- Promote our schools in all GNYC churches and encourage teachers and students to present programs in our churches.
- Encourage principals and teachers to visit all of our churches and be active members of our churches.
- Ensure that all principals and teachers meet NAD Office of Education requirements to receive their “Minister of Teaching” credentials, and host a commissioning service for those who meet the requirement.
- Urge all principals and teachers to hold membership in a GNYC constituent church.
Increase giving and offer additional scholarships.
- Identify potential donors and establish a donor list; identify and pursue fundraising opportunities to increase scholarships. Extend the scope of the search to individual donors, scholarships from various Greater New York churches, Union, and NAD, benefit concerts; conference-wide annual giving campaign, etc.
- Encourage each school to conduct an annual alumni meeting and celebrate significant milestones in each school.
- Create an advertising campaign for schools that highlights testimonials from past and present students.
Enhance and maintain school grounds in order to offer a safe and attractive environment.
- Ensure that each school is in compliance with NAD, Union, GNYC, and New York State and City standards regarding building code requirements and fire-safety.
- Develop fundraising initiatives for Corporation-approved capital improvements.
- Regularly encourage principals to maintain and enhance the appearance of the school.
- Annually review overall safety plans of the schools by looking into ways to increase safety.
- Implement a Zero Tolerance policy.
- Ensure that each school is in compliance with NAD and New York State Health Safety Standards.
- Meet NAD accreditation standards and conduct regular school evaluations.
- Ensure that each teacher is in compliance with NAD certification standards.
- Conduct principal and teacher evaluations to maintain quality control and a focus on education excellence.
- Establish an ESL (English as a Second Language) Institute for constituent members.
There are no upcoming events at this time