About Us

Greetings Greater New York Conference Family!

I praise God for His goodness and for the honor He gives us to collaborate with Him. Our conference is about Kingdom building and each one of us has a role in fulfilling the mission God has entrusted to us. I am looking forward to having the Lord use us in the next four years of service. We serve an awesome God and I anticipate greater things for the future.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to minis- try in our conference territory. Along with the president, the treasurer, and departmental leaders, I am looking forward to serving you and doing my part to facilitate our ministry and mission for all. May the Holy Spirit continue to do a work of transformation in us so that Jehovah can do great things through each of us.

The Team

Dr.Ariel Manzueta

[Executive Secretary]

Christine Hayman

[Administration Assistant]

Yokasti Gomez

[Administrative Assistant]