About Us

Mission: Our mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize all members to make disciples through dynamic Christian service with the conviction that “Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.” The Desire of Ages, p. 195.

Vision: “Each One, Reach One” and “Every Church Planting a Church.”

The Team

Dr. Bianel Lara

Personal Ministry & Church Planting Director

Dr. Conrad White

Associate Personal Ministries and Church Planting Director

Geodaly Augustin

Where we go in GNYC?

We work to develop a “Combined Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Program” through Discipleship Units.

  • Each Sabbath School will develop into a center of Christian Discipleship that emphasizes the Study of the Bible, Fellowship, Community Outreach and the Global Mission of the Church
  • Love.
  • Unity.
  • Respect.
  • Integrity.
  • Emphaty.
  • Courage.
  • Innovation.
  • Excellence.
  • Perseverance.
  • Commitment.
  • Study the Word of God.
  • Fellowship.
  • Evangelism.
  • World Mission.
Personal & Church Planting Ministries

To create a culture of discipleship through holistic small groups.

  1. Reiterate the biblical command to create the holistic small group system to grow the church.
  2. Develop an ongoing training program for pastors and churches about small groups. c. Establish 200 small groups at GNYC.
  3. Increase the number of disciples giving Bible Studies by 10%.
  4. Establish two worship services for the incarcerated.


  • At least 50 small groups per year.
  • A Bible worker assigned to inmates.
  • A prison ministry training every year.
  • At least 10K Bible studies distributed every year.
  • Establish 10 Virtual Small Groups per year.
  • Number of churches and pastors using Small Groups.

To generate a culture of multiplication through evangelism and church planting.

  1. Encourage an annual simultaneous public evangelism program per ministry during the fall, spring and summer season.
  2. Increase our baptism rate by 15% per year.
  3. Recruit and train 30 new church planters.
  4. Plant churches that grow and reach their communities.
  5. Plant 30 new churches by 2026.
  6. Assist each Mission Group to become a Company, and each company to become a Church.
  7. Identify 20 congregations committed to multiplying within the quadrennium; these will be selected
    for a special follow-up assessment.


  • Baptize 900 people per year.
  • A yearly Church Planting Convention.
  • Plant 10 new churches every year.
  • A yearly trip with at least 50 planters to the NAD Boot Camp and Exponential.
  • 20 churches led by volunteer church planters.

To Encourage a culture of healthy church growth through revitalization and retention.

  1. Support the Ethnic Ministries by assessing the health of their congregations
  2. Equip members in the art of attracting, engaging, and retaining guest and new believers.


  • Church revitalization training with pastors every year
  • Number of NCD surveys completed by year
  • Number of revitalized churches as evidenced by a second survey and updated statistic • Retain 70 % of new believers.

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