To have a Publishing Department focused on soul winning and be financially self sustaining by sharing the Adventist Gospel through our Christian publications.
a. Plant new churches in the next four years.
- Train and equip Literature Evangelists in giving Bible Studies and in Soul-winning.
- Territory assigned to Literature Evangelists will be studied and considered a target site
for church-planting.
- Initiate church-planting activities like free Bible distribution and health seminars.
- At least 2-3 Literature Evangelism professional trainings annually.
- Territorial evaluation for church- planting.
- Baptize 400 new church members in the next three years.
b. Hiring more Literature Evangelists via the Worldwide Recruiting Perspective.
- Increase the present number of regular Literature Evangelists to 40.
- Increase the number of student Literature Evangelists to 150 annually.
- Employ 10 new regular Literature Evangelist from major ethnicities
present in New York like Chinese, Filipino, Haitian, Jamaican and Honduran.
- Have regular promotion of Literature Evangelism in local churches within the GNYC territory.
- Have a regular promotion of the summer program for Literature Evangelism in SDA colleges and universities around the world especially those near the GNYC territory.
- Encourage multi-ethnic churches to recommend Literature Evangelists from their country who could best represent them in the Publishing Ministry.