Twice a year, a group of interesting and impactful people gathers for the week-long experience — which attendees have described as “the ultimate brain spa” and “a journey into the future in the company of those creating it.”
About Us
The Team
Below you will find information about what Personal Ministries and Sabbath School has been doing throghout the past years.

Sabbath School
"After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory." — Revelation 18:1

Where we go in GNYC?
We work to develop a “Combined Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Program” through Discipleship Units.
- Each Sabbath School will develop into a center of Christian Discipleship that emphasizes the Study of the Bible, Fellowship, Community Outreach and the Global Mission of the Church
- Love.
- Unity.
- Respect.
- Integrity.
- Emphaty.
- Courage.
- Innovation.
- Excellence.
- Perseverance.
- Commitment.
- Study the Word of God.
- Fellowship.
- Evangelism.
- World Mission.
Connect with us!
Today, what started as a small conference has turned into the unmissable rendez-vous for product people.